Celebrating 11 Years of Collage Instruction!
Signed in as:
Like many of us, I never expected to be engaging quite so fully in life, work, and SoulCollage® on Zoom. A key element of my collage sessions has always been having students come to my studio to learn and participate in the practical applications of SoulCollage®. I provide an abundance of images, as well as all the tools of crafting. And, I can be at my most intuitive and helpful during in person classes… or so I thought.
The Coronavirus Pandemic has changed the way we work, play, live. Rising to each occasion and challenge is something that we practice as a natural element of SoulCollage®. Meeting and getting to know our Guides, Allies and Challengers is an integral part of our practice, and what helps us grow and get to know our inner parts.
We learn to trust deeply in our intuitive process as we seek out images, paying careful attention to what calls to us. We craft in a way that both wakes us up, and nourishes our Soul. We remember that reading from our cards is the JUICE of the practice, and so we endeavor to continue our deep engagement in the process and practice of SoulCollage®…even during this heightened time, and even in a virtual format.
At the beginning of our virtual engagement, I had so many questions! I have since met and connected with many students over the internet. Many unexpected gifts have arrived through this method of teaching and sharing. The scope of connecting with others is now worldwide. Meeting virtually has shown me that we are very able to participate in rich creative practices, and that meaningful connections and communications happen right here… from the inside-out.
We may not be able to take tea together in my studio, yet I am steeped in feelings of deep wonder and gratitude. Thank you for your trust and partnership. And, thank you for your courage to take your journeys on the virtual road!